About Us


Golf Dojo Focus

Do you have the focus to play fearlessly?

Golf Dojo Presence

Can you swing through adversity and hit the green?

Golf Dojo Execution

Is your mind clear and prepared for success?

Golf Dojo Stillness

Are you ready to know your true game? 

themed object

within the still mind... your true game dwells inside you... breathe swing play feel live

  • "Achieve Your Playing Goals Through Patience And Dedication"
  • "Seek the stillness underneath the wandering mind... Your original swing exists there"
  • "Our Goal is not to make a perfect golfer, but let a golfer experience the perfect moment"
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Golf Dojo Events

Welcome to The Golf Dojo Events Page. Please click below on the event you wish to attend and checkback often for all the exciting happenings at The Golf Dojo.

R U College Golf Ready? - Florida

R U College Golf Ready - South East Florida

R U College Golf Ready - South West Florida

R U College Golf Ready - Tampa / St. Petersburg

R U College Golf Ready - Central Florida

R U College Golf Ready? - Ohio

R U College Golf Ready - Cleveland

R U College Golf Ready - TBA

The Race to Break 90

The Race To Break 90 - S1 E1 - Introduction


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